We’re overloaded with information these days. Delvv is a new app that can help you personalize and manage your information feeds, as well as help you “find the best events, apps, and articles without having to search for them.”
The Delvv team launched their new app today. It acts as a bit of a filter for the news and information that you get from Facebook, Twitter, news websites, RSS, and wherever else you get your info from. Delvv attempts to sort through the clutter and deliver important blogs, apps, news, and events to you while keeping the background noise to a minimum. It’s super easy to sign up, and then the app will go to work for you.
When you first log in to the Delvv app, you’ll be presented with some categories and topics that might interest you. You can select from Sports, Food, Auto, Design/Art, Tech, Fashion, Nightlife, and thousands of other categories. Once you tell the app what you’re into, it will take over and let you browse content and find new information just by swiping through your custom feeds. Delvv will even spotlight events and stories based on the date, making sure you’re always up to speed.
Raefer Gabriel, CEO of Delvv, is the founder and former Chief Scientist of Reputation.com. He explains the Delvv app and service like this: “[The app] is bringing the power of predictive search and personalization to the content discovery process, and focusing on what our users actually enjoy rather than what other people want to share with them. The Delvv app uses InterestScore, our advanced machine learning and personalization algorithm, to truly understand what a user likes, so we can make sure we present only the most interesting recommendations.”
You can download the Delvv app on the Google Play Store. The app is really easy to use. There’s a YouTube video that shows you Delvv in action, too. We think it’s pretty cool. Download the app and check it out, then let us know what you think.