Samsung Galaxy S4 Google Play Edition Is Officially Unlisted

Google is slowly but surely removing all GPe devices from the Play Store listings, with the latest taken off the books being the Samsung Galaxy S4 GPe model no longer listed for sale and officially unavailable. Prior to now it was listed as out of stock, but Google has now pulled the listing entirely which means it will no longer be selling the GPe model of the S4 on Google Play, leaving only the GPe Moto G and the GPe HTC One M8 left on the store to purchase. While the Galaxy S4 is no longer available to buy, both the Moto G and M8 GPe devices are in stock and are still listed as being able to ship out to you in 1-2 business days after you place your order.

There have been plenty of rumors that the GPe devices may eventually be disappearing but there is no real evidence to support the theory. Other rumors have speculated that we may be seeing a GPe version of the Galaxy S5 sometime in the future, as an image seemed to have appeared in the past of the S5 under the Galaxy S4 GPe listing for a brief time before it was rectified. That leaves us to wonder if Google will actually end up releasing a GPe model of Samsung’s 2014 flagship Galaxy S phone or not. That rumor travels alongside the others like what Google has planned for the new Nexus tablet and possibly, or perhaps better described as hopefully, a new Nexus phone for the fall.

For now when it comes to phones on Google Play we still have just the Nexus 5 and the two GPe model devices that are left, but if you were really wanting to get your hands on one of the GPe Samsung Galaxy S4 phones you can still probably find them on places likes Swappa or Ebay, and most likely for a cheaper cost since they’d be coming from individual sellers that had already owned the device. Are you sad to see the GPe S4 leave Google Play? Or was it about time for it leave? In either case, we can say farewell.