Samsung Takes Their "Wall-Hugger" Campaign Against the iPhone to Select Airports

Not that I am a Samsung lover…I am not, Alex (lol)…but I do love nothing better than a good Samsung Ad that bashes the old Apple iPhone. Call me cruel, call me a narcissist, call me an iPhone hater, but I love these commercials – over-the-top, certainly, but is there actually truth behind the ads, most assuredly…and that is the type of sick humor that I enjoy. I love when an advertisement exaggerates certain characteristics – like seeing all of the Apple lovers standing in line to purchase their beloved iPhone and the kids are holding a place in line for their ‘older’ parents, or when those people in line are discussing the rumor that the new iPhone will have a new, big display…all the way up to 4-inches, while the Samsung users are already enjoying there 5.7-inch Galaxy Note 3.  In keeping with the spirit of the times, at the end of June and the beginning of July, Samsung decided to exploit the poor battery life of the iPhone compared to their new Galaxy S5 in what they referred to as their “wall-hugger” campaign – see the video at the end of the article for a quick laugh.  What is so nice about this type of ad is that you do not have to be a Samsung fan to enjoy them – just an Android fan.

It was BlackBerry CEO John Chen, who first coined the term, “wall-hugger,” but Samsung took the phrase and ran with it.  The original campaign showed the iPhone users all sitting around at the airport with their iPhones plugged into the wall outlets, unable to move or socialize except with their new ‘friends’ that were hugging the wall with them.  You know those TV shows where the homeless are huddled around a barrel with a fire in it, or how mosquitoes swamp around a porch light when it’s dark – you get the picture.

Meantime, the Samsung users are walking around, enjoying lunch, watching a video, enjoying a laugh and generally enjoying life.  The envy in the iPhone users’ expressions are precious and their words entertaining…I find great humor in this quiet desperation…I know, I am sick.  The iPhone users look amazed when the Samsung user takes off the back of his Galaxy S5 – able to put in a new battery if they so desire, while the iPhone users blankly stare at the back of their device.

Apparently the ads were so successful that Samsung is taking the campaign to the next level – the streets, or airports in this case – Samsung actually had decal-like signs printed that say “The Samsung Galaxy S 5 with Ultra Power Saving Mode.  So you can be anywhere but here.” They are currently being installed around the wall outlets (see the gallery below) at JFK, Chicago O’Hare and Chicago Midway, with additional airports under consideration. This must be costing Samsung a huge amount of money, but I am enjoying every penny of it…how about you!

Please hook up with us on our Google+ Page and let us know how you feel about this type of advertising – for it, against it, or just don;t care…as always, we would love to hear from you.
