Sponsored App Review: Fleksy Keyboard

Description: Fleksy keyboard is a replacement keyboard that allows for better, faster, and more accurate typing. With Fleksy the keys are a bit larger but without enlarging the size of the keyboard which helps with the ability to type faster as the keys are easier to hit more accurately, and even when you mess up Fleksy’s amazing auto correct can fix those keyboard fumbles. Fleksy supports emoji’s with over 700 of them in the palm of your hand, and there’s even some personalization capabilities built in so you can customize things with the keyboard to suit your personality or tastes, and you have the option to add in cloud personalization from your social feeds as well as gmail and sms, making Fleksy more accurate than before.

How It Works: The first thing you’ll need to do is head on over to the Play Store and download Fleksy Keyboard. From there you can head to your Language and Input settings and initiate Fleksy as your default keyboard of choice.

Once you start using Fleksy, you’re ran through a short but very helpful tutorial to get you acquainted with some of the keyboards best features. Like keyboard gestures for example.

The gestures make it so that you can perform simple tasks that we use on a constant basis while typing, but with more ease and speed so you can type faster and more accurately and finish the message that you’re typing up sooner. That way you can get back to what you were doing.

The gestures play a big role in separating Fleksy from other keyboards, as you can swipe right to space words and swipe a second time if you want to insert punctuation like a period. You can also swipe left to delete characters or words, and swipe down to correct and auto-correct should Fleksy get things wrong.

Part of Fleksy’s speed and accuracy promise comes from the larger keys, making them easier to hit, but that also means less space on the keyboard for punctuation keys and numbers. No problem, as Fleksy allows you to simply long press anywhere on the keyboard(that’s right, anywhere)and bring up all your symbols and the number row. Simply long press anywhere and drag your finger over the character that you want to insert, like a question mark for example, and let go. Fast and simple.

Fleksy’s auto correct isn’t just auto correct. It’s beyond prediction. This feature of Fleksy is a cut above the rest as it looks at auto correcting and predicting words from multiple angles. It will look at the letters you press but it also looks at the pattern you tap so that it can understand what you meant to type, which is actually incredibly accurate.

To make things fun Fleksy has added the capability to earn badges as you type. Throughout the use of Fleksy keyboard it will track your typing stats which you can share, but it will also track your progress for things like typing 10 words using the invisible keyboard, or even for typing 500 words by missing every letter to earn the Blurred Lines badge. You can even earn more themes through some of the badges. Earn 8 badges and unlock the red theme.

Fleksy also supports multiple keyboard layouts, from the standard QWERTY setup to DVORAK. Fleksy also includes Colemak, AZERTY and QWERTZ layouts as well, so no matter what keyboard layout you’re comfortable with Fleksy can help you. Fleksy also supports a wide array of different languages with 37 total, and 3 more that are being worked on with Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, and Polish. You can also vote for which languages you’d like to have supported by going to the Fleksy language page.

Opinion: When it comes to typing on my smartphone I ten to type fast and never look back. This is just the habit I have as I want to get my message out as quickly as I can and back to what I’m doing. Most keyboards work ok but I usually have to go back and correct more than I’d like. With Fleksy I have been able to minimize the corrections I need to make as Fleksy is accurate enough to get things right the first time around. There are some mistakes here and there that it doesn’t catch, but realistically it happens much, much less with Fleksy than it does on other popular keyboard options like Swype, Swiftkey or the Google Keyboard. The themes and badges are a nice, fun touch, and I love the idea that Fleksy is all about speed without having to sacrifice the accuracy.


  • Speed (5/5) – When it comes to speed, this is something Fleksy does exceptionally well. Everything responds lighting fast and it looks good while doing it.
  • Features (5/5) – Fleksy offers up plenty of awesome features to make it more attractive and functional than other keyboards. Keyboard gestures are amazing and really add to the ease of typing.
  • Theme (4/5) – Fleksy’s keyboard style looks a little more basic as it takes on the “flat”styling that is popular with many icon packs, but that is mostly rectified with the ability to apply different keyboard themes for a splash of color.
  • Overall (4.5/5) – Fleksy is definitely the most accurate keyboard I have ever used, and it provides the user with a nice way to type fast. It just works and works very well.


  • Keyboard themes to add color and make the keyboard more lively and more “you”
  • Keyboard gestures make things simpler, alleviating the need to tap things like the space bar or add in the period at the end of words.
  • Invisible keyboard option to get back 100% of your screen space is awesome. (recommended for pro’s only)
  • the auto correct is extremely accurate


  • Voice typing option is either non-existent or very difficult to find and enable.

Conclusion: When it comes to typing smartphones, the problem that some people have is they fear it might be too inaccurate, this can be especially true for new touchscreen users. With Fleksy you needn’t worry about that issue. You can freely type fast and feel safe that Fleksy will get the words right, even if you don’t. Although there seems to be a lack of the voice typing option which is a letdown as once in a while it is handy, Fleksy feels the most comfortable and the most useful any other time. Tons of supported languages makes it versatile for just about anyone as well. Fleksy is definitely the keyboard to beat.