One of my biggest gripes with owning a smartphone is sorting through the gobs of information and junk mail that I receive every day. I hate spending time out of my busy lifestyle – okay, I sit at home and write all day…but I am busy – to delete, delete and delete again, only to find more unnecessary garbage an hour later. No matter how many places you unsubscribe, Google, Facebook, Amazon and other companies will find a way to send you information that they claim you would be interest in reading about. Just because I looked up online, researched and purchased a baby stroller for my niece’s baby shower gift, does not mean that I have a kid and therefore gives you the right to bombard me with baby crap!
Today a new App was released called, Delvv, that claims to address information overload and deliver only the stories, blog posts, Apps and events tailored to our interests in a personalize mobile news feed – much like Flipboard or My Magazine. As you pick and choose what you want to see or read, Delvv remembers those choices and that information allows it to fine tune your likes and dislike. The developers tag it as “Fuel for the Curious Mind.”
Signing up is really quite easy – Name, email address and email password – and you are in. An initial set of topics show up by scrolling up and down and on each topic (story) you can press on the corner, and it opens up a window allowing you to ‘X’ Don’t Quite Like It or Show Me More of This! If you ‘X’ it out, it will bring up a new topic and if you ‘Like it,’ it will show you more or similar items. Across the top of the App are the Main Categories: Home – Topics – Trending – Favorites – Recently Viewed. There is a Search symbol in the upper right and a slide out menu on the top left: there you’ll find your name – My Collections – Subscribed Keywords – Favorites – Recent Searches – Settings – Sign Out.
Raefer Gabriel, CEO of Delvv said: “Delvv is bringing the power of predictive search and personalization to the content discovery process, and focusing on what our users actually enjoy rather than what other people want to share with them. The Delvv app uses InterestScore, our advanced machine learning and personalization algorithm, to truly understand what a user likes, so we can make sure we present only the most interesting recommendations.”
Delvv will highlight stories that are trending in the news for that particular day, through the lens of InterestScore. It will sort through literally thousands of potential stories and filter out only ones that you have indicated are of interest. The user also can add and remove topics with a quick tap – just go to your profile – there are many options available to help customize your feeds.
Founder and President of Delvv, Felice Miller Gabriel said: “We want to empower users to filter the tidal wave of information on the internet. We think there’s a follow-up wave of disruption coming to social media and content discovery, and mobile personalization is at the core of it.”
I played quite a bit with the App and had no lagging or freezes – everything ran smooth and as promised it started to show me stories or feeds that were of interest to me as I ‘X’d tems off and added new ones. It seems to work a lot like the other ‘storyboards,’ whether Delvv is a better mousetrap remains to be seen. Please hook up with us on our Google+ Page and let us know what you think of the App – its free and may be worth your time to give it a try…as always, we would love to hear from you.