You'll Soon Be Able To Import Your YouTube Videos To Google+

Google is all about integrating or at least connecting its services, for a while now actually. People still, to this day, refuse to open Google+ account in order to use Hangouts for example, or some other Google services. It seems like Google will tighten the bond between YouTube and Google+. YouTube users will be able to import videos from their Google+ account. This feature was revealed by Nedas Petravicius, a Google+ user which shared a screenshot of this new feature. This new feature will be accessible by clicking “Import your videos form Google+” link which will be located on the right side of the screen above the “Create Videos” option, as you can see in the screenshot below.

After you click the “Import” option, you’ll be able to select the following Google+ filter options: All Videos, Auto Backup and Albums. You’ll be able to see thumbnail previews of videos along with their total duration and date they were created. You’ll also be able to preview clips / videos before you decide to import them through YouTube’s video player, just to make sure that’s the video you want to import. After the import process is completed, users will be able to choose whether they’d like to publish their videos or keep them public, basically the same options YouTube offers when you upload videos.

YouTube is still far more popular than Google+ is. Google’s social network has its own following, of course, but basically anyone knows what YouTube is and uses it on a regular basis. Adding this option on Google+ will surely make it easier to share YouTube videos and considering Google+’s unique video editing features, I’m sure many people will appreciate this. Not only will this draw more attention to Google+ but this could actually serve as an easy double backup solution for your videos, which is always welcomed I guess. I’m not that heavy on uploading YouTube videos myself, but as I said, I bet there are people out there that will greatly appreciate this option. Would you find a feature like this useful?