Android Cupcake, Android Donut, Android Eclair, Android Gingerbread, Android Honeycomb, Android Ice Cream Sandwich, Android Jelly Bean, Android Kit Kat, and Android L. These are the plethora of different Android versions we have come to be so in love with over the past few years. Android L, the latest version of the OS from Google was just recently shown off at Google I/O this past June, and they even made the developer preview available(a first in the history of software releases from the company)so that developers and consumers alike could get a taste of what’s to come. While there have been many speculations about what the official name of the next Android version would be called, the most recent rumor seems to settle on Android Lemon Meringue Pie,(other speculations have been Lemon Head and Lollipop)something that sounds completely reasonable given Google’s last attempt to use another type of pie(Key Lime Pie)as the dessert name for what is now known as Kit Kat. Am I reaching too much with that?
Where am I going with this? It appears that although up until now we have been referring to the next official Android release as Android L, and even Lemon Meringue Pie as a possible or even hopeful final choice, the latest buzz surrounding the matter seems to suggest that we might actually know the official name as early as next week. Android L is suspected to get a release alongside a possible new Nexus phone and Tablet, both of which have had details leaking through the cracks that have served as tiny hints to hold us over until the real thing was revealed. We now have one more piece of fat for you to chew on while we await the release of Android L in the coming suspected month.
Thanks to these images taken and leaked of some construction happening on the Google Campus by an anonymous individual who visited the campus today, it looks like the search company is getting ready to have the next Android Version release immortalized in giant statue form. As you all know, Google has a huge replica statue made and erected to represent every Android OS version release, and placed on the lawn around the Android building at the campus. With crews getting ready to potentially place the next statue down amongst its older friends, it would seem reasonable to assume that we could learn the name if we see the statue. This is all speculation too of course, so make of it what you will. Take things with a big grain of salt as the images could easily be altered, but a little speculation is fun, especially since we’re all so amped up on what’s to come, being so potentially close to Android L getting launched. Take a look at the images, then sound off in the comments about what you think. Any thoughts?