Well at this point, rumors are pointing to a mid-October or early-November launch and release for the Nexus 6 and Nexus 9. Which falls right in line with the previous two years of Nexus goodness. The Nexus 5 was released on Halloween last year, and the Nexus 4 was a few days before Halloween (October 29th). So this definitely seems likely. Many have asked if the Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 would be released separately, and I highly doubt that, and here’s why. Google always releases a new Nexus with a new version of Android. I don’t see Google releasing two versions of Android in the next month or so. This will be more like the Nexus 4/Nexus 10 launch from 2012. Where Google launched both of those devices on Android 4.2.
Rumor has it that the devices will be announced in mid-October (which we’ve heard separate rumors of October 16th or 17th) and that Android L would be available on November 1st. Which gives me the feeling that we may now have the Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 available the day they are announced, as we did last year for the Nexus 5.
How many of you are anxiously awaiting the Nexus 6 / X, or the Nexus 9? Be sure to let us know in the comments down below.