Google Offers Startups $100,000 In Credits For It's Cloud Platform Service

Google has always been seen as a company who values innovation and undoubtedly launched one of the best open-source systems ever, Android. Since then Android has further created more innovation due to its open-nature allowing developers the opportunity to work with Google’s api’s, improve them and sometimes reinvent them. As such Google is not only not afraid of other’s innovation but actively welcomes it. Now it seems Google are trying even harder to give smaller startups a platform and boost to help them reach their goals easier and quicker, therefore helping more innovation reach the mass market in a more streamlined manner.

Google recently launched the ‘Google Cloud Platform’ which in a very basic sense offers new companies a collection of cloud computing products designed by Google. What makes this collection more valuable is all the computing products stem from the same infrastructure which Google use for their own products such as YouTube, Google Search and so on. By offering such a platform directly to developers allows the developers to focus on what they are good at – developing a product. This allows developers to focus in a more concentrated direction without having to worry about the infrastructure of their business. However, as with everything these days, such services comes at a cost

Google appreciates cost can be the biggest issue for new startup companies. In an attempt to level the playing field Google are currently offering startups $100,000 in Cloud Platform credits which can be used directly against the cost of their Cloud Platform service and its relative products. To name just a few these products include Cloud storage, Cloud databases, Cloud Endpoints and Cloud DNS among many others. In addition to the actual content, the chosen startups will also receive free 24/7 support from Google and access to its technical support team As to be expected there are some caveats for startups to be eligible. In short, startups must be in an approved Accelerator, Incubator or VC. Also, the startup cannot have previously been awarded or received Cloud Platform credits, have secured less than $5 million in funding and currently turning less than $500,000 in annual revenue. If you are currently part of a startup and do meet these criteria then you can either apply by contacting your Accelerator, Incubator or VC. Alternatively, for more information click here to visit the Google Cloud Platform Startup page.