Hangouts Merging With Google Voice Will Be back Soon According To Google

We talked about this a little bit earlier with the report about the separation between Hangouts and Google+ account requirements, but here is a little refresher for those who might have missed it. Yesterday Google started rolling out the updates to Hangouts, as well as launched a new app called Hangouts Dialer, which is essentially wrapped up in the new Hangouts also so you can use either app, but you do need both if you want to make Google Voice calls from Hangouts. For the most part the majority of people it seems like have not yet received the Google Voice integration message pop up within the Hangouts app, however some users had gotten the question asking if they wanted to integrate and naturally tapped the “yes” button. I personally got the message myself last night.

What seems to be happening for those that feel a little left out for not having gotten the “ask” about integrating Google Voice into your Hangouts app experience, which includes GV voice mail, GV messages, and the ability to place and receive GV voice calls, is that Google wanted to polish things up a bit more and perhaps have pushed a full rollout back a tiny bit. We’d guess a day or so. In order for the capability to merge GV and Hangouts together a few things needed to happen. You have to be on the latest version of Hangouts, you need the Hangouts Dialer app if you want to place and receive calls, and you needed to see the question pop-up about the integration. Google had stated that this rollout would take the next few days so what’s happening is that it just hasn’t hit some people’s phones yet, that plus they’re probably ironing out a few bugs.

As Droid Life reports and they’re not the only ones, even they who had already integrated the experience had noticed this morning that they had been reverted back to the app before they initiated the integration. Despite this though Google assures that things will come back soon so if had the integration of GV in Hangouts and and were sad to see it disappear, it won’t be long before it comes back as this was just a preparation for an update, afterwards, the integration message should come back and all will be well again. To those who haven’t yet gotten the question asking if they’d like to turn on GV integration, you too will get the merge option soon. In a message from Google’s Alex Weisen, he states that “If you were one of the handful of people who saw the opt-in from the old Hangouts app last night, you’ve been reverted back to GV in preparation for the update. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to switch back soon.” So there you have it, things have taken a temporary step back to most likely fix the few bugs people had been talking about and prepare for the complete rollout of the two apps merging. We’ll update and inform everyone when things are officially official, although oddly enough I myself still have things merged as you can see from the image below. Is everyone looking forward to this?