HTC Releases Video Highly Suggesting A Camera Will Be Launched On October 8th

We all know HTC make smartphones and some pretty good ones too. But recently we have seen a number of interesting developments and heard interesting rumors about HTC making things other than smartphones. We’ve known since IFA that HTC are not that interested (at the moment) in smartwatches. However, an interesting rumor popped up last week suggesting HTC might be working on an alternative to Google’s Glass. The HTC version is rather boringly named ‘HTC Glass‘ and if the rumors are true than HTC’s version will be more ‘OK Brain’ than “OK Google”. The device is believed to respond to thought activation instead of voice activation.

In addition to the possibility of HTC Glass a rumor started circulating a couple of weeks ago that HTC were working on some sort of camera attachment for smartphones. The details were extremely limited as it was still unclear if this was actually happening. However, what was being suggested is the HTC camera would be a GoPro type device, which can be used to capture events for the more adventurous users. This rumor first began when Tim Culpan (Bloomberg Taipei-based tech journalist) tweeted that HTC were planning a “rugged camera that connects direct to phone”. As you would expect this sent the rumor mill into motion especially as the tweet ended with “Can they compete with @GoPro?”.

Now today a video has popped on HTC’s YouTube account which very convincingly suggests the camera rumor is true. The video is (mostly) from the camera’s viewpoint and suggests the device can be used underwater which would be an interesting development. The video also highly suggests the device can be mounted both on the person (someone filming themselves playing football aka soccer) and onto things such as bikes. In terms of the previous rumor, Culpin also indicated that the device will be launched at a special event on October 8th and this part certainly seems to be true. The video which is entitled “Something Remarkable is coming” states in the description to visit RECamera.com on October 8th “for the World premiere of a remarkable new product”. So there you go. It does seem HTC are about to launch some sort of attachable camera device and all will be revealed on October 8th via a live broadcast. You can check out the video for yourself below. So what do you guys think? Do we like the idea of an HTC camera attachment? Can they really offer something to rival GoPro?