The next Humble Mobile Bundle is live, although truthfully it went live yesterday so that means you have just slightly under thirteen days left to pick it up, before it gets pulled down forever and thrown into the seedy depths of nothingness never to be seen again. The endless void we’ll call it. The last Humble Mobile Bundle was centered around Sonic the Hedgehog and all his friends, this time around it’s just an epic mix of awesome games that are sure to delight any mobile gamer. Humble Mobile Bundle 7 includes 6 really cool games from the start, of course more games are always added in towards the end(usually in the second week of the bundle)that are unlocked for anyone who paid the average amount for the bundle.
As with every Humble Bundle, you can pay what you want for some really cool games, and doing so will allow you to help charity. However paying under the average amount will only get you three of the total included games. Those three are Tiny Bang Story, Color Zen Premium, and Heroes of Loot. All great games, but if you pay the average amount you’ll also unlock three additional games, plus whatever games are added in later on during the bundle from the “coming soon” section. Pay the average amount to unlock Kingdom Rush Frontiers, Horn, and Sorcery. At the time of writing this the average amount is $4.02, easily a great price for what’s offered.
Even if the average amount raises to $5 or $6, the bundle will still be a great deal as you’ll end up with 9 great games and some game soundtracks. You can get in on the bundle when the average amount is low though so you get the best deal possible, and no matter what you pay you can choose how to split up the payment, and choose how much goes to Humble Bundle, how much goes to the devs, and how much goes to charity. For those who are interested in knowing, Humble Mobile Bundle 7 is supporting The Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child’s Play charities. Check out the video below if you want a brief rundown of each game, then you can hit the Humble Bundle link below if you want to grab the games. So to recap, you can pay $4.02 for six awesome games with three more on the way, and the soundtracks for all of the current games except Sorcery.