What Do American Teens Think Of Google Glass?

Google Glass took many people by surprise when Google launched the explorer program for the wearables 2 years ago. These futuristic glasses are still kind of a niche product. Many people don’t know about them and many of those who do, consider them to be weird and wouldn’t consider wearing a pair on a regular basis. Google will, of course, try to change that as time goes by with new iterations of this product, but we’re talking about the current-gen Google Glass at the moment. Smartwatches are slowly but surely becoming a thing, the same goes for fitness trackers. I don’t doubt we’ll see many more forms of wearable technology in the coming months or years but who knows, maybe some of these products will become a standard and the majority of people will sport them on a daily basis.

In order to find out what teenagers think of Google Glass, Tencent Digital decided to survey a bunch of them. Results were relatively mixed, but to tell you the truth I was somewhat surprised. Keep in mind the following quotes are a rough translation from Chinese language. “I think it’s so cool, I want to try it!” said Andrew. “I think Google Glasses are cool, camera design, not so much though. I believe that the camera makes people feel uncomfortable. How does it charge, solar charging?” said Bhaswith. “I don’t think Google Glasses are safe to use while driving a car, they’re distracting.” says Vivi. “I think Google Glasses are cool, but they’re too expensive at the moment. Perhaps they’ll become more affordable over time and more people will be able to use them.” said Kaylin.

As you can see, these teens have their own opinions when it comes to Glass. Some of them are eager to try them, others however have all sorts of safety concerns. Camera on Google Glass does seem threatening, as one of them pointed out. I believe Google will try to integrate it better in the next iteration of the smartglasses, in order to look more natural and make people feel more comfortable. Have you tried out Google Glass yet? What are your thoughts, would you consider wearing them or do you think they need to look more like regular glasses? I personally am not that interested in Google Glass in its current form, but who knows, perhaps that will change when Google Glass gets a makeover and an official consumer launch.