Humble Mobile Bundle 8 Adds 3 New Games
The latest in the series of mobile game bundles from Humble Bundle, Humble Mobile Bundle 8, has added three new games to the bundle pack earlier last week, so if you have already paid the average amount when the bundle went live, here’s what you’re getting as extra unlockables if you missed it. In addition to the already available games Humble Mobile Bundle 8 added in Mikey Hooks, the original Epoch, and Zombie Gunship. That brings this bundle to a total of 10 games when we normally end up with 9, so this makes the Humble Mobile Bundle 8 extra special. You can grab the bundle of games if you haven’t already, and the average amount is only $3.83. If you pay more than $5 though you’ll unlock Epoch 2, which is a few bucks on its own.
Crazy Taxi City Rush Gets Hulkified In Latest Update
Crazy Taxi City Rush received an update earlier last week, and with it you can expect the usual bug fixes and improvements that generally come to any app or game update, as well as new Hulkamania content added into the game. Hulkamania? Yes, Hulkamania. The game now includes special content with Hulk Hogan in full professional wrestling garb. Basically Hulk Hogan is a new driver in the game so if none of the drivers were quite cool enough, let Hulk take over the streets and pick up fares. If you’re a true Hulk Hogan fan, you can record in game videos of you playing and enter a contest to win prizes that are signed by none other than Hulk Hogan himself. Grab the game from the Play Store link if you don’t already have it downloaded and are itching for some crazy drivin’.
GLHF Gamers Hangout Is A Social Mobile App Dedicated To Gamers
GLHF(good luck have fun)Gamers Hangout is a social mobile app dedicated to gamers of all kinds. The app is about finding others with like minded tastes to the same kinds of games that you play yourself, and giving you the opportunity to strike up a conversation about them and maybe even play some games together. It supports logins through Facebook, Email, or Gmail, and it lets you find gamers nearby so if you want to meet up and get in some game sessions this will allow you to do so. You can also use the app to join or create some cool group communities to have discussions about games, consoles, and generally anything else gaming related. You can have the app act somewhat more private or public depending on how you want to share your gaming experiences. There is even a search filter to find gamers by platform, age, and location, so you can find people that play on the same console, perhaps even in your area, and find people that are the same age so you can weed out anyone much older or younger than you. The app is free, and you can check it out by grabbing it from the Play Store link.
Noodlecake Studios Launches Tower Dwellers On The Play Store
Noodlecake Studios has some pretty great games under their belt, and one of the more recent titles that they just launched to the Play Store this past week is Tower Dwellers. It’s a medieval style setting with Tower Defense type gameplay. The basic TD elements and tasks apply here. Manage your units and defend against encroaching enemies. Craft and upgrade your units for the ultimate in strategic defense, and it has non-linear progression giving you the choice to decide which territories you want to play in next. All in all it looks like a pretty great little game, especially if you’re into Tower Defense titles. Check out the video below, and you can grab the game from the Play Store link for $3.99 if you’re interested.