Android Wear Version 4.4w.2 Includes Ability to Hide Notifications Without Dismissing Them

A new update seems to be heading to Android Wear devices,(we reported about it coming to the LG G Watch earlier)and it’s still early in the week so if you don’t see the update heading to your own watch don’t fret, it’ll likely be coming in due time and as we all should know by now, updates  with Android and OEM’s, whether it be software for the device or apps, usually take a few days to roll out to everyone. That being said, if you have noticed the update come to your Android Wear device, Android Police points out that it is coming with an update to the notifications actions that Android Wear supports.

Prior to this update, if you received a notification on Android Wear there were a few things you could do with it. You could either leave it there and just let the notifications pile up. You could swipe it away and dismiss it, or you could swipe to interact with it which could include replying back to a message, reading the snippet of information that gets detailed on the watch display, and even initiate opening up the app that the notification came with on the phone your watch is connected to. Now with the update that is rolling out as you read this to various users, which brings Android Wear to version 4.4w.2, allows for the capability to swipe down on the notification to save it for later, but will still dismiss it from visually appearing on screen.

Hiding the notifications can be a great deal more useful then just getting rid of them altogether, and it’s something i’ll be looking forward to interacting with more often after the update comes to my own Moto 360. Dismissing them is fine, but sometimes I just want the watchface to be visible and I’m not ready to dismiss the notification off of my watch entirely. Are any of you seeing this update and feature come to your Android Wear devices yet? If so how do you like it compared to the way Android Wear handled notifications before? Let us know your thoughts in the G+ comments, and if you notice anything else that has changed feel free to discuss it.