When it comes to the world of mobile gaming, Rovio Entertainment’s Angry Birds would certainly be near the top of the list in terms of all time popularity. It’s even safe to say that it has become something of a cultural phenomenon considering the many clothing and product lines that have been launched into the marketplace after the game exploded in popularity. There will even be an Angry Birds feature film released in 2016. In terms of the game itself, there are many variations available to download including Angry Birds Star Wars and Angry Birds Space. Angry Birds Seasons is another of these variations and it has been known to release various stages of game play depending on the time of year. In the past they have released updates with Halloween themes and Christmas themes. Most recently, Angry Birds Seasons has released what they are calling the “Ham Dunk” update to coincide with the upcoming start of the NBA season.
The “Ham Dunk” update includes fifteen free levels that see the Angry Birds team competing against their arch rivals, the Piggy Island Bullies. These levels will take the two teams to tournaments in cities around the world, including places like Beijing and Rio de Janeiro. “Ham Dunk” players will also see the addition of new characters to use during game play that fit nicely with the NBA theme. For example, “Ham Dunk” players can make use of a bird who looks like a Spalding ball and will blow up in size in order to help you through a level.
There are also In-app purchases available for Angry Birds Seasons and in terms of the “Ham Dunk” update players can unlock themed levels featuring all thirty NBA teams. If you’re interested in these particular levels it will set you back a paltry $1.99. So, if you haven’t reached your Angry Birds saturation point and you’re an NBA fan looking to get your fix until the season officially begins later this month then head on over to Google Play and hit the court with the Angry Birds. For some screenshots of the “Ham Dunk” update check out the gallery below.