Chrome Weekly: Using Chrome Overview

Beginning today, every Friday we will be doing a new feature where we show you something special about Chromebooks, well not specifically Chromebooks, more about Chrome period. Whether that is a new tip/trick, a new extension or something else entirely. It won’t be just for Chromebooks or Chrome OS either. Which is great as well. This week we’re kicking things off with Chrome Overview.

What is Chrome Overview? Basically it’s a way for you to see all of the windows you may have open. Now I generally only have one window open on a Chromebook, because I like keeping all my tabs together. But it’s a easy way to switch from one window to another. So how do we access it? Well there’s a button that looks like this []]] it’s next to the brightness buttons on most Chromebooks. If you press that, you’ll be taken into Chrome Overview. Additionally you can swipe down with three fingers on the trackpad to jump into Chrome Overview.

While in Chrome Overview you can filter out the windows that are shown there. For example, you can go ahead and type “Android” and you’ll only get the windows that have “Android” in the title. Which probably wouldn’t help me much anyways.

Chrome overview is a very useful tool for those that use a lot of windows in Chrome OS on their Chromebook or Chromebox. It’s really similar to Expose on the Mac, which is the laptop I use most days. So I really like having this feature. It works great and doesn’t have any extra animations to slow it down, which is always a plus. Are there any Chrome tips and tricks or extensions you’d like for us to cover in this new feature we’ll be doing each Friday? Let us know in the comments down below.