Droidcon London 2014: Time Is Running Out To Get Your Tickets!

Are you an Android developer? Do you reside in the UK or Europe? If so, time is running out for you to register for Droidcon London 2014 which is being held from 30th-31st October. As you can see from the main image, there’s only a matter of hours left for you to register and purchase tickets for the event.

Some of you may be wondering what exactly this Droidcon event is all about. Basically its a meeting place for innovative Android developers to gather, network, learn about new trends in coding or even hone new skills. There will be over 40 tech leaders present representing industries that range from animation, electronics, gaming and travel, sharing their knowledge and thoughts about the Android operating system. And with the recent release of Android version 5.0 Lollipop, the Android Wear smart watch platform, the Android TV platform as well as Android Auto, there are plenty of topics for developers to enthuse about.

The speaker line-up includes Chet Haase (Lead of Google’s Android UI Toolkit team), Juhani Lehtimaki (author of Smashing Android UI) and Lisa Neigut (Etsy developer) amongst others.  CyanogenMod, Spotify, SoundCloud, Sony and Mozilla are also sending engineers to Droidcon London 2014 as part of the line-up to chat about their products.

It’s not all chatting though, there are gadgets being demonstrated as well, such the largest Android Multitouch Table (GLIP), Sony’s SmartEyeGlass as well as Epson’s Moverio smart Glasses. The Innovation Frontier will also be showing off new products such as The Eye Tribe that uses eye tracking technology to control a smart phone or tablet with the look of an eye. Flyver will be demoing their SDK that lets Android developers create apps to control drone with an Android device and if you end up creating a new Android App, remember to check out our Android App Review Service.

Droidcon will also feature a Gaming Zone which is supported by Mind Candy, and will have Amazon products such as the Amazon Fire TV, Fire Phone and the latest Kindle device. In case you are also free on November 1st-2nd, there is also a weekend Hackathon event being held, although places are limited.

Being an app or game developer can be a lonely pursuit at times, working from home with your face buried in a computer screen trying to debug some code. Sometimes you need a breath of fresh air, and the chance to talk (and listen) to some fellow developers. If you want to visit this year’s Droidcon London event (being held at the Business Design Centre, Islington, London), remember that you have less than 21 hours left to get your ticket. At the moment, tickets are still available for the full conference @£425, if you are a student you should get in contact with the Droidcon organisers to see what they can do for you. You can also offer to be a volunteer, but bear in mind you will be asked to contribute some time and effort facilitating the smooth running of the developer conference. Let us know if you are planning on going in the comments below!