Get Ready! Android 5.0 Lollipop Might Be Landing OTA As Early As November 3rd.

Before yesterday all the talk about Android 5.0 (aka ‘L’) was what it would be called? Lollipop? Lemon Meringue Pie, Lion Bar (my personal favorite) or Liquorice? Now that the new operating system has been unveiled and we do know that it is in fact Lollipop the new debate and speculation has changed. Now all the talk of Lollipop is simply “when will I get it?”. Prior to its release lots of manufacturers, carriers and ROM’s made their own fool hearted claims that they would release L (as it was known then) within X amount of time. Typically 90 days is what most seemed to be claiming. Of course, now the proof is in the pudding (or in the lollipop I guess you could say) and in the coming weeks and months we will see if they make good on their claims.

In terms of when will Lollipop actually get first released? Well it’s no secret that the newbie Nexuses (6 and 9) are fortunate enough to be first in line. These two devices will both come pre-loaded with Lollipop on their release dates. For all other current Nexus devices (you know who you are) Google has also assured them that they will get the update in the coming weeks. Well it now seems the OTA expected date for this roll-out is quite likely to be November 3rd. Reports are emerging that the Nexus 7 (WiFi) along with the Nexus 10 will both get the OTA on November 3rd. This will be followed by further OTA updates for the Nexus 4, 5 and 7 (LTE) throughout November.

Another interesting factor is the developer’s preview of L is expected to be updated to the developer’s preview of Lollipop tomorrow along with the Lollipop SDK. However, it was thought that this was to remain a preview and not the final product. Well, again it seems that there is a good-enough possibility that this update will be the actual final product and not the preview as expected. With that in mind it seems Android Lollipop very well might be much closer than all of us thought and especially if you are planning to sideload the operating system yourself. Tomorrow looks like it could be a very fun Friday for us Androiders.