Google Play Music Device De-Auth Seems to be Lifted, At least in the App

This morning, we’re noticing something really cool. And a hat tip is in order to our friends over at Android Central. It looks like, through the Google Play Music app, you are able to deauthorize as many devices as you want. In the picture above, you’ll see all the devices that I had authorized on my Google Play Music account. I was able to deauthorize all of them through the app without any issues. We didn’t try through the web interface, but we heard that it’s not working that way, and only working through the app.

Google brought back the deauthorization limit a few months ago. Most likely due to the record labels. But you could only deauthorize 4 devices a year and have a total of 10 devices on your account. Which we weren’t a fan of. Especially the staff here at Android Headlines, as we review numerous devices throughout the year. In fact, since the limit was put in place again, I almost reached my 10 device limit, and I hadn’t authorized all the devices I had reviewed in that time. But it appears to be gone, at least for now. So I’d suggest that everyone go ahead and deauthorize all their devices now, that they aren’t using. In case it is just a bug.

If it is just a bug, expect Google to fix that pretty soon. If it’s not, it’s time to celebrate. With the deauthorization limit, I was really thinking about canceling my Google Play Music account. But now that it’s lifted and hopefully not a bug, I’ll be keeping it. To deauthorize your devices, just head into the Google Play Music App, Go into Settings and then My Devices, and just hit the X next to each device you are not currently using. It’s just that simple.