So what do you guys think? It is Official. Android L is Android Lollipop! Do we like it? Are we glad? Like me was everyone hoping it would be Lion Bar? If you are just joining us then you need to catch up on the day’s events. The Nexus 6 and 9 were both officially launched (although not available to buy yet) and Android L was finally unveiled as Android Lollipop….the sweetest Android ever. If you missed it, the unveiling of Lollipop came through a star-studded event. This was a black tie event (including top hats), in which the organisers teased the audience by first unveiling Lemon Meringue Pie. However then they quickly revealed a lobster, a light bulb, a ladder and even Lincoln (Abe) only to finally surprise reveal that Android will actually be called Android lollipop.
OK, you got me. This was not your typical company event or product unveiling but let’s face it Google are not your typical company. They did kind of unveil Android L although the launch event was immortalised in a typical Google fashion…using androidify. Yep, instead of your usual massive launch with U2 playing live or a big image of the device product in the background Goggle opted to unveil L in animated form. The video was uploaded by Android Developers to their YouTube account a short while ago and is actually pretty good. This is in addition to the androdify automatic backup video we saw this morning and also the three androdify videos we got a sneak look at yesterday which were equally as excellent.
As always the video has been included down below for you to see for yourself. When you watch it, pretend you don’t know yet what L is and act all surprised when it is unveiled. Seriously! I’ve watched it about ten times now and been surprised every time using this method. How do you guys feel though with what you have heard? Lollipop? Nexuses? Whatever you think get in touch and let us know.