HTC 'Eye Experience' Update Already Hitting European HTC One M8 Devices

Today may have been Sony’s day to launch their newbie devices, but yesterday certainly was HTC’s. The Taiwanese company hosted their Double Exposure event in New York and released a number of products and features that were selfie orientated. The big announcements (which were both expected) was the HTC Desire Eye and the new and surreal HTC RE camera. Both devices were firmly camera focused as was the event as a whole. In addition to the hardware HTC also announced the release of their ‘Eye Experience’. In short this is a new software suite being touted by HTC with some particularly interesting features. The most notable feature is the ability to take automatic selfies. This includes various abilities to make the selfie process easier such as composing the image and letting the camera automatically take the image and also the ability to voice command the phone to take the image. Another major feature of the Eye Experience is the ability to double take i.e. the ability to take a front and rear camera picture at the same time.

In addition to the actual software HTC also announced yesterday that they would make available the Eye Experience software to other HTC devices and in particular as much of the One series as possible. Now although the event and announcement were only yesterday, reports are already emerging that European M8 owners are starting to receive the software update OTA. The update is being noted as an Android 4.4.4 push with build version 3.28.401.6.

If you do own an international version and have yet to see the update (and simply cannot wait) then it does seem the update is already available via the super-fast guys over at XDA. The update is listed as 252MB in size, if you decide to go down the route of sideloading then it is assumed you know the risks and also what to do. To get the download and read the instructions follow the link over to the XDA update thread. If however, you are not so well equipped in sideloading then don’t worry it does seem the software is heading your way so be patient and wait for the OTA. If you have already received the update then let us know what you think and what the new features are like? Jealous! Me! Yep!