Invites For Google's New Inbox Email Service Are selling For Over $100 Each

If you missed the news over the last couple of days then you probably missed the announcement of Google’s new email client dubbed ‘Inbox’. To bring you up to speed Inbox is a clever and intuitive email client that will prioritize incoming messages based on their content and importance. Gone are the days in which your emails would be presented as a top down list from new to old. Now they will be listed depending on what you need to know or do today, or this week, or right now. The news of this all broke rather suddenly. Two days ago it was reported as a rumored new Google feature but within hours it was officially announced and then within a couple more hours it was released. However, its release came with one specific caveat. Like OnePlus and their flagship device the OnePlus One you need an invite to try the app. Yes folks, the dreaded invites are back again.

Now if you are part of any social network, then since the launch of Inbox you would no doubt have seen a how steam of invite requests being sent out. It seems the very nature of this being an invite only system has significantly increased the demand and allure of the new email client, a la OPO. However unlike OnePlus it seems Google Invites are big business. eBay user bpater90 managed to get hold of an invite and decided to stick it on eBay. Now the actual auction still has two days remaining but that has not stopped the listing already passing the $100 mark. Yep, it seems that folks are so desperate to try out Google’s new intuitive inbox that they are willing to pay for it. By the looks of the listing it won’t come cheap either. The other problem with the listing is that this will certainly simply fuel other users who manage to get hold of an invite to put there’s up for sale too. So if it was not bad enough that your social media sites are currently inundated with invite requests you can be sure soon-enough eBay will also be soon full of them.

So how desperate are you to try Google’s new email client? More importantly how much would you be willing to pay just to try the service? Let us know your thoughts on Inbox, the invites and of course that figure you would pay. If its high enough maybe I’ll sell you an invite…just joking I don’t have any so don’t ask.