One of the biggest questions floating around at the moment is ‘when will I get Lollipop?’ Everyone seems interested in when Android’s new operating system Android 5.0 (Lollipop) will reach their device. As such OEMs are constantly battling to try and make sure they do offer a timely roll-out of the much anticipated new android system. So far HTC, Sony and Motorola have all nailed their colours to the mast and said when they expect to roll-out Lollipop to their respective devices. Only this morning LG also chimed in by suggesting their flagship device the LG G3 will receive the Lollipop update before the end of this year. Although Motorola have already stated when they expect to begin rolling out Lollipop they seem to be taking providing information to their customers to a whole level.
This morning Motorola have launched a new webpage on their Global portal website which allows its customers to actually check when (and if) they will get the Lollipop update. Once you click through to the website, it immediately lists the devices which are certain to receive Lollipop. As a quick reminder, those included are the Moto X (both Generations), Moto G (both Generations and 4G LTE), Droid (Ultra, Max and Mini) and the Moto E. Of course, that is only half of the story. As with all updates (and as we are currently seeing with HTC’s Eye Experience) when you receive the update also highly depends on what carrier you are with. To combat this Motorola have also included on the page a search tool which allows you to choose which device you have and on which carrier to further clarify exactly when you are likely to receive the update. Hold on. Before you all rush over to the web page none of the mentioned devices, currently list any further dates or details. Motorola have noted that none of the devices have entered a development stage yet due to Lollipop not fully being pushed as a final product. Once this happens and development begins you should be able to see more precise details of when, for your device and carrier.
If your device was not mentioned on the list then all is not lost yet. The list is not considered to be a closed or final list and it always possible other Motorola devices will be added in time. Either way you can still go to the website and check your device as Motorola has kindly listed many of their devices on the search tool so that you can check more general updates. For instance, I checked early on my Motorola Photon 4G although unfortunately it states that I will be staying on Gingerbread. Darn it.