Motorola and Lenovo Together make the Company the third Largest in Market Share

Just yesterday, Motorola and Lenovo announced that their deal was finally official. There’s been a lot of questions lately, wondering what will happen with everything that Motorola has done in the past two years. With their great devices like the Moto X, and the Moto G. Not to mention their stock Android skin and quick updates. Well Motorola has stated that none of that is going anywhere. And Lenovo also stated that Motorola will be run independently from Lenovo. It’ll basically be another company under Lenovo’s umbrella. This is still good for Lenovo because this brings them into markets they aren’t currently in. The biggest one being the US. But that also brings both companies up to #3 in market share. That means that Xiaomi only was #3 in market share for about a day. And Motorola’s Rick Osterloh let them know on Twitter.

Rick Osterloh is Motorola’s President, and here was what he said on Twitter “Congrats to @Xiaomi for getting to #3 in mkt share. sorry it only lasted for 24 hours until the @Motorola@lenovo deal closed – we’re 3 now!” That’s almost a John Legere type tweet right there. It’s pretty amazing to see Motorola jump up that high, but we did know that it would happen. As Lenovo is pretty large over in Asia. And they make some really awesome phones. We just wish that they would bring them over to the US.

So now that Motorola and Lenovo are together, I wonder what changes we’ll see? As much as Lenovo says things won’t change, I’m pretty sure we’ll see changes. Maybe not so much in what Motorola puts out there for us to buy, but where R&D is, and manufacturing, etc., Hopefully Motorola can keep their Chicago Head Quarters. That place is really cool.

What do all of you think of the merger? Is it best for business?