For those of you that may have missed it earlier today, Motorola has released an update to their Moto Camera app that brings a long a pretty cool little feature. Before we get into that, let’s briefly go over what the Moto Camera app already provides to users. It’s essentially a camera app for the Moto Droid phones, the Moto X, and the Moto X 2nd Gen. So if you’re not using one of those devices you can’t use the app and this update doesn’t really apply. A camera app is a camera app is a camera app when you get right down to it, the cool things and fun little tweaks that are added in as exclusive features from each team of developers is what makes them unique and appealing though, and that’s what Moto Camera has going for it. Simple things like gestures to control exposure, and tapping anywhere on screen to actually capture the picture,(this is present on other camera apps too)are just a couple things.
Now with the latest update, Motorola has added in one really cool, new native feature along with the standard stuff that comes along with every single app update. First off, bug fixes and improvements. They might not be too exciting, but they’re needed and they help the app run better. So those are present in this update as they probably will be in future updates, unless by some magical happenstance that there aren’t any improvements needed or bugs to be fixed.
Now the new feature. It’s pretty simple, but sometime simple is understated. If you own an Android Wear smartwatch, like the Moto 360 for example, you can now use the watch as a remote shutter for the Moto Camera app and take pictures from far away. Essentially it’s like setting a timer but now you can always be sure to snap the image exactly when you’re ready, instead of trying to be ready before the timer reaches zero. If you own a Moto device that supports the camera app and an Android Wear smartwatch, now would be the time to update the app for this cool new feature. Well done Motorola, here’s hoping other camera apps add the same function natively.