How Much Time Do You Spend On Social Networks? With Social Addict You Can Find Out

Sooo, I hear you have been spending too much time socializing recently. By socializing of course I don’t mean the ‘real’ socializing. You know, outside. That would be crazy going out there, right? No, I am talking about online socializing. Chances are that even this article you have clicked through from either Twitter, G+, Facebook or one of the other many social outlets. But do you actually know how much time you spend on social networking? Would you want to know or would the result be too scary to face up to? If you are brave enough (and interested enough) then a new app from Pi-Developers might be the answer. ‘Social Addicts’ measures and monitors your activity online. Basically, how much you log-in to social network apps. Some of the Apps listed by the developers include Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Tumbler, Instagram, Kik, BBM and Ask.fm. Now if you are worried about these being tracked then you can select which apps to monitor and which not to. Of course, bear in mind if you are only monitoring half of your social behaviour then the results you get will only be half correct.

The App itself is rather lightweight measuring less than 800KB and does not noticeably affect either the RAM or battery usage. The app simply runs from boot in the background and is only triggered when you click on one of your favourite social sites. If you are really worried about some strange developer monitoring your habits, social interactions and all those nudie selfies you just can’t stop taking, then don’t be. This is not an intrusive app in the sense that we think of intrusion and simply only triggers timers to generate the results. The app does not record anything or have the ability to actively track you, your data or behaviour. It only tracks time. There are also no major issues with compatibility with the developers noting that the app runs with 90% of devices from Android 2.3 all the way up to Android 5.0 (Lollipop).

Of course, whether your results or low or high it is worth remembering that this app only measures your activity via your phone. That sounds obvious, but the point is that it does not measure your social networking on your desktop, tablet or watch (as weird as that still sounds to say). So whatever your results show you can be sure that your actual real level of socializing is even heavier. If you want to give it a go then you can download the APK via XDA or download the app through the Play Store. So who is going is to give it a try? I’ve been running it for the last couple of hours and my usage is still being noted as low which makes me feel good. Although as it does not monitor Google+ which is my favorite social site I suppose my ‘low’ status does not count. If you do give it a try then let us know what you think.