There is no arguing that we are experiencing an information overload. We not only have more than ever the traditional information sources – there are many newspapers, magazines, and television stations…pounding out more channels than ever with cable and satellite, but we also have all of the new electronic means to information on our smartphones and tablets. Many people like me, want to know what is going on in the world…but we want only a very small amount of the information. If you want something that is built around YOUR needs and something that you can peruse in about 3 minutes, then News Republic’s new App may be just what you need for keeping you up-to-date.
Most of the news ‘feeders’ work pretty much the same way – they build a news stream around your tastes and the more you use the App, the more it ‘learns’ of your interests and therefore, it becomes even more personalized and hopefully, more interesting to you. News Republic uses their ‘My News Digest’ to help customize their App for your needs through a “new and advanced algorithm with semantic and learning intelligence.” It reviews millions of news items and it will create a news feed based on the user’s interest in stories, within a variety of topics – National News, Technology, Politics, Sports, Entertainment and more. It tracks in real-time breaking news and updates you accordingly. Gilles Raymond, chief executive officer and founder of News Republic says:
“My News Digest filters out the excess noise, delivering only the most interesting news content, instead of bombarding people with tons of irrelevant information. No one else offers this level of custom curation. We help people to become more informed local and global citizens and hope this inspires them to make a difference in the world. Through extremely personalized, actionable news streams, people stay up-to-date with events that matter and are more likely to take action when they feel passionately about a topic.” News Republic won the 2104 Google Editor’s Choice award as one of the top rated daily news Apps. They get their news from over 1,000 licensed and trusted news sources from around the world. You can read a quick summary of the article or the entire article complete with full colored pictures, text and videos, and you can even save the article to read or share off-line.
The App is beautifully designed and very intuitive to operate and customize – you can select the number of windows on the display at one time…you can individually size each window…swipe to the right and left to see stories within that topic…and swipe up and down to read the complete story. We recommend that you give their App a free tryout and please get back to us on our Google+ Page and let us know what you think about News Republic…or do you have another news feed that you like better…as always, we would love to hear from you.