OK Google! Whats With All The Adverts In New York City?

Google have always been known for their rather unconventional approach to how they do things and for their products. A prime example of this is the now infamous Google Glass. In spite of Glass starting to prove its merit its probably not the most iconic Google entity. Instead, this title probably goes to “OK Google”. The OK Google service has become so prevalent that the sentence alone is easily becoming identifiable in its own right and literally requires no explanation. When hearing the immortal words uttered in public people not only understand what the speaker is doing but also suddenly feels the urge to OK Google too. Well, at least that’s the case for me.

It now seems Google is making sure wherever you are there are prompts to remind you of the service, at least that’s the case if you are in New York. A recent campaign for OK Google noted by Adweek has shown Google have taken the Android command phrase to the most unlikely places in New York. It seems advertisements are popping up all over the city and asking the most random questions. Well, to be clear they are only random when considering why Google chose these particular questions. The advertisements are less random in their positioning as they are directly related to their location. For instance in the window of Katz Deli in New York there is a massive OK Google display asking “What is Kat’z Deli’s slogan”. Other examples noted by the Adweek report show advertisements at Papabubble Candy Shop on Broome Street and outside Death & Co on East 6th Street. It also seems the advertising is not reserved just for companies with adverts seen on random products and services like skateboards in Shut Skateboards at Orchard Street and arcade machines in Barcade at Union Avenue.

You might think after being exposed all day to Google’s intrusive yet hidden new advertising that you need a beer. Well if that’s the case you would be wise to avoid Houston Hall on W Houston Street as they also seem to have their own OK Google advert. Likewise, if you we’re thinking of grabbing a coffee to escape the New York Google onslaught then beware of Caffe Reggio on Macdougal Street as their cups have also been spotted sporting OK Google questions. So there you go. If you are NY based then it looks like OK Google has invaded. The advertisements seems quiet random with no obvious connection between their placing or point but if you are out and about today in the city it’s worth keeping an eye out for them. They all come with questions about the relative business and collectively add to what seems to be a new and novel way of branding for the search giant. If you see any funny ones out there we have missed then take a snap and let us know.