Calling all OnePlus One owners. Attention please. Do you remember a few months ago when we were promised we could soon purchase a new Bamboo style swappable back cover? You do, good. Do you also remember a few weeks ago when after all the anticipation and waiting OnePlus suddenly cancelled production and announced they were not continuing the Bamboo swappable cover anymore? Ah yes you do…sorry for reminding you. Well, you probably also remember that at the time OnePlus did also announce that they would (at least) sell the stock they did have although these were in limited numbers. Well OPO’s, the time has come and you can now purchase the Bamboo cover…kinda.
Here is the big news. Yes, the Bamboo covers are available to buy, but…want to guess what’s coming next? Yep, they are available by invite only. You do need an invite to buy the Bamboo case. The good news (if any of this could be good) is that the invites don’t have to be sought after and you don’t need to troll the forums begging for one. Instead, you just need to beg OnePlus by filling out this form. The form is simple and only requires you to enter your email address and your country of residence. Nothing else is required. There are no competitions or likewise and just the two questions to answer to register your interest for an invite. According to OnePlus they will then choose who will get the invites and then of course you can finally buy the Bamboo cover. In case you are wondering the price is believed to be at the previously listed $49.99 price.
If you are asking how could they again be using invites (and I know you are) then according to OnePlus they have seen “overwhelming demand” for the covers and only have a few hundred available. Therefore according to OnePlus the “only fair way” is to assign them randomly, hence the invites. Registration is already open and so you can register your interest now. Registration will remain open until November 4th and closes promptly at 6 AM (EDT). According to OnePlus “the lucky ones” will be contacted within 24 hours of the closure. It’s also worth noting you can only register once. So, what do you think? Are you going to register for the Bamboo cover or is OnePlus finally pushing you closer to the edge with another invite system? In fairness can you think of a better way to distribute a limited number? Would first-come-first-served of been any better? Whatever your thoughts on the invite system let us know.