While no piece of electronic equipment is perfect and inevitably there will always be some amount of damaged or defective devices that roll off the assembly line,(because that’s just the way things are)it can still be more than a little frustrating when you encounter an issue on a brand new product that you haven’t physically caused any damage to, furthermore, that hasn’t had any damage inflicted upon it of any kind. One such device that has seen its share of negativity through press and media as well as concerns from users and consumers who have purchased the device is the OnePlus One. Despite its many awesome perks, hardware specs and that oh so inexpensive price for everything that you’re getting, it has still run into a decent number of hurdles. None that it seems to not have overcome, but hurdles nonetheless.
The most recent issue that appears to have been plaguing individuals is random boot loops, and this is a terrible problem to have as it basically turns your device into an inoperable hunk of plastic, metal and glass. At least the yellow banding issue could be dealt with and the phone was still usable. With boot loops, there is rarely anything that can be done to correct the issue short of getting the device replaced entirely. Thankfully with the random bootloop problem on the OnePlus One there does seem to be a solution that has come up that appears to fix the problem and it seems rather easy.
Just in case you’re a OnePlus One owner/user and you come across your device bootlooping on you until the end of time(if you let it), Android Police and Cyanogen Inc. point out that you can run a simple, single command while booted to TWRP. The command is as follows: [make_ext4fs /dev/block/mmcblk0p15] Make sure to enter that command without the brackets, and after the process is over everything supposedly should be working fine and you should still have all your data intact on the device’s hard drive. The bootloops are believed to be happening because the “persist” partition gets corrupted during a reboot, although it isn’t confirmed that’s actually what’s happening. In any case, if you come in contact with this problem now you know what to do.