Well this is interesting. Sony has been touting the two-day battery life on the Xperia Z3 ever since it was announced last month. And rightfully so, as early battery tests have shown it can indeed last that long. But now, Sony is stating in their blog this week that after doing some testing on their cheaper, lower-specced Xperia E3, it can also last two full days on a single charge.
“First up, our (internal) testing teams have been beavering away in the background putting Xperia E3 through its paces again and again. The result of all that is that we’re now extremely pleased to say that Xperia E3 matches the same two day battery life standards that we apply to our Xperia Z3 and Xperia Z3 Compact.”
This is a huge deal for Sony, well for any OEM really. If I were an OEM and could get two day battery life out of three of my current smartphones, I’d shout it from the rooftops. What Sony needs to do is make some commercials about it. Maybe something like the one Samsung did about their Ultra Battery Saving mode. That would be nice to see. And it’d definitely help them sell some more Xperia E3’s, Xperia Z3’s and Xperia Z3 Compact’s.
Now I was in New York yesterday to see the Xperia Z3v from Sony, and that one doesn’t quite have two day battery life. But it does do about a day and a half. Which for most people that’s great. But as I’ve heard other reviewers state, once you get past a day, it needs to be two days, not a day and a half. Because most people won’t charge their phone during the day. Nonetheless, it’s still great to see Sony making some real strides in battery life. Something the other OEMs desperately need to do.