Description: We’ve reviewed The Cleaner once before, and we were fairly impressed, but this time we’re going to focus on some key updates that have been added to The Cleaner. Since the last time we took a look at The Cleaner, it’s been updated with a couple of new, and important features. There’s now an Application Manager that shows you which apps have access to what data on your phone and handily allows you to uninstall them from your device. The other big addition to the app is the ability to clean our conversations, which are the likes of text messages as well as call records, allowing you to keep a clean and concise handle on your messages and call logs. So, let’s take a closer look at the new features in this update.
How it Works: Just as before, you need to download The Cleaner from the Play Store. Once you’ve done that, you can choose from the different aspects of your phone that the cleaner helps, well, clean up. The new features of conversations as well as apps are found on the right-hand side.
Once The Cleaner has gone through and broken up the apps on your phone by just exactly what they can access, you’ll be able to take a look at them and also check the boxes beside their name to uninstall them.
This basically uninstalls them one after another in quick succession, but it’s certainly better than having to do one by one manually.
Conversations is another new feature to The Cleaner, and you use it just like the app manager, just set it scanning and then select the records you want to delete.
Sadly, as I’m using Hangouts I couldn’t delete any of my SMS messages using this, but I wasn’t really looking to do that. Still, this did make light work of my often clogged call log, and it’ll certainly help you see the numbers you need to more clearly.
Opinion: One of the things that impressed me about the Cleaner the first time round was how simple it was and this time around is no different. I really appreciate the new features, especially being able to quickly uninstall apps without the need for root, which is something I normally use Titanium Backup for. It’s a little disappointing to see that I couldn’t delete my messages from Hangouts, but I’m sure this is more of a Google thing, standard messaging users will be just fine. Cleaning up that call log is nice as well, and for those that mix business with pleasure, it’s nice to be able to clean out friends and family calls while you’re at the office.
- Speed (4/5) – There’s nothing to complain about here, and this can help speed up your phone.
- Features (5/5) – With these two new features, the Cleaner gets a little bigger, but it’s still nice and simple to use and doesn’t ask too much from its users. Sure, there might be apps out there with more to them, but this does its job with little fanfare and covers the most important bases.
- Theme (4/5) – I enjoyed the look of the Cleaner last time, and this time is no different, with some quality design that’s simple to navigate and looks good.
- Overall (4/5) – A quality app that’s designed to a high level that can easily help you get a little more oomph out of your phone and help your device feel nice and fresh again, and it’s one of the better options out there.
- Works well on tablets as well as phones and it’s nice and easy to use.
- Helps you clean up used storage on your device, and take back the space on your smartphone.
- New conversations feature can help clean up that call log and get rid of unwanted SMS messages to speed thing up.
- Gives you quick access to which apps have access to what sort of data and allows you to quickly uninstall them should you want.
- Doesn’t detect SMS messages for those that use Hangouts.
- Won’t let you revoke permissions for apps, just tells you what has access to what sort of permissions.
Conclusion: The Cleaner is an app that can really help give your device a fresh feel and as we’ve already reviewed the Cleaner before, it’s nice to see some added features, here. With Conversations, you can easily clean up our call log and make sure your SMS app is running nice and smoothly, and it’s refreshing to be able to uninstall more than one app at a time thanks to these new features in the Cleaner. Overall, this is an app that just keeps getting better and if you want to clean things up without the hassle, this is a good choice.