Sponsored App Review: FloatNote

Description: FloatNote is a simple Android app that aims to make the process of remembering things while on the phone to friends and family much easier than it used to be. How it does that is also how the app got its name, it literally displays a sort of floating note on screen when you’re on the phone. Let’s say you’ve gotten some presents or a card from a relative, you can make a note in the FloatNote app, related to that relative, and when they next ring you you can be reminded to say thank you for your gift or card. It’s a simple solution to forgetting those things we’re reminded not to forget, like thanking someone, or asking your partner to pick something up on the way home from work. However, as in life, it’s the simple things we love most about apps. Take a look at the video below to see FloatNote in action and read on to see how it works and what we thought of it.

How it Works: You’ll first need to download FloatNote from the Play Store, and when you do you’ll be able to take a look at a slick introduction of what FloatNote is all about.

It really is as simple as that, and adding a note is a straightforward process. One thing I was very pleased to see was material design used here, ready for the Android Lollipop update. All you need to do is hit the plus at the bottom and choose either from your call log or your contacts. Being able to choose from your call log is important as business users will more than likely have a lot of different numbers in their phones that aren’t contacts and this allows you to put a note next to known cold-callers like “sales call, ignore!”. Of course, you can also create a note when someone calls you, you don’t need to go into the app all the time.

I went ahead and set up notes for my old pal David Cameron, I’m constantly having to remind him to schedule important meetings of the cabinet or Cobra meetings. You can always mix business with pleasure like I have here, with notes for more than one contact or number.

Now that I’ve set up the note, the next time Dave gives me a ring, I can be reminded to remind him to set up these important meetings.

You can move the note around and even get rid of it while in a call. One feature I did think was really neat was that when I placed an outgoing call and then hung up, the note didn’t stick around forever, it disappeared after 5 seconds. This means that FloatNote is not another app that gets in your way all the time; only when you really need it. You can use FloatNote for whatever you want, reminding you to say thank you, chase up a late order or even just ask your partner to grab some milk or whatever on the way home. Whatever you use FloatNote for however, is up to you.

Opinion: FloatNote is one of those apps that doesn’t seem like much of anything on the surface, but when you see it in action you immediately start thinking of all the different uses that you’ll have for it. Like for instance, tying certain order references to certain numbers, so you can always get a quick look at the info you need when talking to the right person. In business, nobody wants to deal with someone that has to look every small detail, or has forgotten a previous conversation, with FloatNote you can add order numbers or special requirements to their number so the next time you speak you’ll have that info right in front of you. For those looking at a more personal use case, it’s never nice to be that friend that forgets everything. FloatNote can help you remember to say thanks, wish people luck or help you wish people a happy birthday.


  • Speed (4/5) – FloatNote runs great and I never found any issues with the app effecting the performance of my phone.
  • Features (4/5) – Sure, there’s room for expansion here, but the core concept is good and works down to a ‘T’.
  • Theme (5/5) – I’m loving the material design here and the UI is so easy to use that anyone will be able to benefit from FloatNote. The best thing? It doesn’t get in your way, it’s there when you need, and gone when you don’t need the note hanging around.
  • Overall (4/5) – A neat new way of remembering information right when you need it most, when speaking to the person at hand! Great for business users as well as those just trying to be a better family member or friend, FloatNote can help you out in a pinch.


  • Runs great and doesn’t get in the way of your other apps, nor does it slow your phone down at all.
  • Material design is excellent to see and the UI is so easy to use that anyone could enjoy a helping hand here.
  • Works great for those in the office all day using an Android phone as well as friends just looking to not “be that guy” who forgets everything.
  • Slick design just works and the notes are nice and easy to interact with even when you’re on a call.


  • Might be a little too simple in its approach for some users.
  • Integration with calendars for time-sensitive events would make FloatNote one of the best reminder apps available.

Conclusion: It’s pretty simple on the surface of things, but there’s a lot on offer here that you’ll ask yourself: “Why didn’t someone else think of that before now?”. It’s slick, is ready for Android Lollipop and doesn’t ask too much of the user to get the promised results. In the long run, there’s room for improvement and the introduction of new features here, but FloatNote’s core concept is genius and it’s reliable, so this is one app that can only get better.