With Google Glass becoming more increasingly available and the number of its users (Explorers) growing albeit slowly, it is no surprise that the Google Glassware page (basically Play Store for Glass) is also growing. New Glassware is being added almost routinely with developers jumping on-board and offering Glass variations of their more commonly used apps. However, it is rare that we see developers removing their offering from availability although this is what seems to have happened with Twitter. The tweeting giant has effectively removed its Twitter for Glass from both the official Glassware page and also the browsers online MyGlass hub. Twitter have yet to officially explain why they have removed the Glassware although there are a number of possible reasons.
The most obvious possibility is that Twitter simply do not want to invest either financially or the manpower into Glass any longer. With a limited number of users (compared to other technologies) Twitter may simply feel that there is not enough demand to justify investing dedicated developer time and resources into developing Glassware. This also leads to another possibility for Twitters withdraw. It could be simply that Twitter have decided their current Glass offering is no longer compatible in the long-term with Glass and are looking to redesign and develop maybe new Glassware. Twitter for Glass was released back in the middle of 2013 and at the time Glass was much more heavily based around the Mirror API. However since then, Glass had edged closer towards a Wear API which is more compatible with Android Wear. As Twitter for Glass was much more Mirror based it is possible they are simply planning to re-launch Twiter for Glass as a more Wear based Glassware in the future. A last possible reason for the withdrawal could be as simple as users are not that interested in receiving a Twitter feed via Glass. Not all products will be ideal for all mediums and it possible users are simply less interested in Twitter via the Glass medium.
Whatever the reason it does seem Twitter for Glass is no longer available to be installed. It is also worth noting that users on reddit advise that there is currently no side-loadable version and as such new Glass Explorers cannot install Twitter for Glass at all. If you already own Glass and have Twitter installed then the reddit posts also note that you should decide wisely before uninstalling as once you do, there is no way to reinstall again. Are you a Glass user? Do you use Twitter for Glass? If so, why do you think Twitter have removed their Glassware? If not, then why not? Did you not think the medium was suitable for Twitter? Whatever your thoughts, let us know.