Google has today published a survey today that looks at how often people use voice search functions on a smartphone. It found that just over half of American teenagers use a voice search daily, drawing the conclusion that “for teens, voice search comes as naturally as checking social media and they’re getting very creative about how (and where) they use it.” It seems that people of all ages use the voice search function when watching the television, in the bathroom (seriously?!) but wished they could order pizza and locate objects such as keys. It’s great to see that voice control of our smartphones is being taken more and more seriously although almost half of us feel self conscious when using it, or as the survey says, “feeling like a geek.” 89% of teenagers and 85% of adults believe that voice search will be very common in the future. We are gradually moving towards the Star Trek computer-like experience.
In the survey, respondents prioritized voice search for a mix of safety and efficiency. One of the most popular uses for voice search is to ask the handset for directions, where four in ten of us use voice search for this. I’ve found this especially useful where I am unsure how to spell the name of a particular business I am trying to find. Another four in ten of us have used our smartphone to dictate a text message and one in three to place a call. One in four of us use the voice search when cooking or to check the weather, whereas half of teenagers use voice search just for fun and one in three adults. It’s telling that almost half of teenagers wished that their handset could order them a pizza (although only one in three adults wished for this, instead opting for the more responsible, “tell me where my keys are”). Finding the remote control is a popular desire from the voice search function and one in six of us wish our handset could tell us what costume to wear on Halloween. That one is easy: it’s Batman, right?!
I’m confident that Google will use the survey results to guide how to best improve Google’s already useful Voice Search. As we moving towards our smartphone being one component in our personal Internet of Things, we’ll be able to use other items of technology for this. If you already own an Android Wear device, or Google Glass, you’re already ahead of the curve: how much do you use your smartphone voice control? What would you like it to do? Do you frequently lost your keys or have a desire to be able to have Google order your usual pizza? For me, I’d like to be able to tell Google to feed the cats and set the heating on…