Android 5.0 Lollipop Causing Video Playback Issues On 2013 WiFi Only Nexus 7 For Some Users

We’d be kidding ourselves if we continued to believe that software updates on devices went completely without a hitch. Android has certainly matured over the years and has developed into a wonderful mobile operating system. That doesn’t mean there won’t be the occasional bug here and there, and those bugs will need to be fixed of course, but as software updates come and go there’s bound to be a few hiccups. Such is the case with the latest Android firmware update, Android 5.0 Lollipop which just started rolling out to devices this past week, including all Nexus devices from the Nexus 4 forward.(except the LTE models of tablets for now, and the Nexus Q, sorry Q)

What we’re going over today focuses on the Lollipop update that has gone out to the 2013 WiFi only model of the Google Nexus 7. It appears that some people are having issues with video playback on their devices after updating their software to Android 5.0 Lollipop. This is certainly unfortunate, but thankfully it isn’t happening in droves to a wide grouping of users, that’s the good news. More good news is that you can fix the issue if this problem is plaguing your Nexus 7 2013, however the good news is short lived as the issue seems to reappear after watching only a few videos.

Perhaps though a few videos is better than none, and in the meantime you may end up having to just utilize video playback by another alternate means. We know, that’s not what you wanted to hear but for the moment there isn’t really anything that can be done besides the temporary fixes. To be specific, the issue that’s happening is that somewhere in the Lollipop update the video player gets lost, and the system can’t find it whenever you try to access videos in pretty much any application. While an update from Google might be the only thing that can help the issue, you can try rebooting the device, or you can try disabling the “use NuPlayer” option which can be found inside of the developer options menu in settings. The last resort would be wiping the cache from your your device which you need to do from the recovery menu. Hopefully none of our readers are experiencing this bug with their Nexus 7 but if you are, give these methods a try and see if they help. If not, we feel for you and hopefully a permanent fix is on the way sooner than later.