Android 5.0 Lollipop OTA Updates Begin For The Nexus 5 & 7 (2012) & (2013) & Nexus 10

Update Wednesday is a little more robust this week, as updates to apps aren’t the only things waiting in the wings for users. The Android 5.0 Lollipop updates have started rolling out to devices this morning, and while they will likely take days to reach all handsets, the feeling is real and the software upgrades to the latest Android version are finally here. Earlier this morning we reported that Android 5.0 was beginning to hit the Moto G 2nd Gen. and the Moto X 2nd Gen. Pure Edition, and now we’ve learned that Android 5.0 Lollipop is starting to roll out to Nexus devices too.

So far it seems that the OTA updates are hitting the Nexus 5, the Nexus 6, the Nexus 7 both generations(WiFi only for now)the Nexus 9 and the Nexus 10 tablet. That leaves out the Nexus 4 for the time being which means we might either see that start rolling out later tonight or perhaps sometime tomorrow. It could also be days before that begins but we’ll be sure to update for those of you(like myself)who are still using a Nexus 4. For everyone else, start checking your status bars for the notification about the update or frantically and manually hit the check for software updates button in your settings menu to see if it’s waiting and available for you. The Nexus 6 and the Nexus 9 are already obviously on Lollipop, so the update hitting those devices is just a minor update that brings in some bug fixes. Still, bug fixes are good.

Keep in mind this is just the OTA update so far. That means right now we don’t have any zip files downloads of the update package and the factory images aren’t available yet either. We’ll update you on those too once those appear. When the zip downloads do show up, you’ll need to flash those via a custom recovery of course, or use the ADB method which is slightly more involved. It’s just a matter of time before all the Lollipop goodness starts to surface in all its forms for all devices, so keep waiting patiently and it’ll show up before long. Are you excited to finally be running Android 5.0? Share your thoughts.

Update: Images are rolling out as well.