Android How To: Access Quick Settings in Android 5.0 Lollipop

Android 5.0 Lollipop is here, well mostly here. We should be seeing the OTA’s going out a bit later on today and continuing over the next three weeks. Android 5.0 is the biggest update to Android since, well ever. Lollipop brings so many new things to the table this year, not only do we see a complete new redesign with Material Design, but we also have a bunch of new features and some old features are new again. One of those is Quick Settings.

With Quick Settings you used to have to swipe down with one finger and then hit the Quick Settings icon in the corner. Or swipe down with two fingers. Now you can just swipe down to see your notifications, or swipe down again for the quick settings. Pretty easy, but it’s even easier than in Jelly Bean and KitKat before it. Once more the Quick Settings are easier to use then they were before. For example, with WiFi you would have to long press to turn it on or off. A simple press would just open wifi Settings. Now a simple press toggles it on or off with a long press bringing you to settings. There’s also a brightness toggle at the top now. Which makes it easier to change the brightness for you. There’s also Bluetooth, Airplane Mode, Auto-Rotate, Flashlight, Location and Cast Screen up there. So now you can throw your device’s screen up onto Chromecast very easy.

So that’s Quick Settings in a nut shell, and how to access them. We’ve got lots more coming from Lollipop over the next few days so be sure to keep your browser locked here for all the latest. It’s a big update to Android, so there’s lots to go over. How many of you have already gotten your hands on the Nexus 9?