Motorola have been causing some serious waves recently. No, this is not about the Google Nexus 6 or even their take-over by Lenovo. This is Android 5.0 aka Lollipop. Yes, if you are Motorola user and especially if you are a Nexus owner, you will know that that the waves are Motorola beating Nexus to the Lollipop punch. It was long assumed that Nexus devices would be the first to get their hands on official Lollipop updates. This came part and parcel with being a Nexus owner. First updates. However, recently, Motorola have been stirring the pot massively with how quick they are planning to roll out Lollipop to their devices.
Now in fairness, it is not too surprising as to how quick Motorola is working on Lollipop. Unlike Samsung and the rest, Motorola’s version of Android is almost as close to stock android as you can get. As such, once Google released the source code for Lollipop, Motorola had far less to do then all the rest. The adjustments and tweaking needed by Motorola to bring their devices up to Lollipop was minimal in comparison. Hence, quick updating. So whats been happening. Well, it all began when we heard Motorola were working on a ‘soak test’ for the Moto X.
Well, a day after the plans for the Moto X soak test were reported, other reports began to come in that the Moto G (2nd gen) was also planning its own soak test. At the time this was again highly speculative. However, that seem to have now changed. It not only does seem that the Moto G is preparing for a Lollipop soak test, but instead the reports are suggesting that the test has already begun. If this is correct, then like the Moto X, Moto G owners can expect the Lollipop update real soon. Possibly again before it reaches the other Nexus devices. The official release notes for Lollipop on the Moto G were uploaded to Motorola around the same time as notes for the Moto X. However, shortly after they were taken down again. Well to add to the weight of the most recent information, the Moto G release notes have gone live again. Further suggesting the Moto G is nearing its official update.