OnePlus to Provide Warranty to Indian Purchasers Before Local Launch

OnePlus is a company that is said to defy the odds, with a $300 marketing budget that has largely been successful, and an evergrowing customer base.  It’s only been seven months since the launch of its first and only smartphone that users require an invitation to buy, and already OnePlus is on its way to expanding into new countries, including India and Malaysia.

The marketing, which has largely been through social media and word-of-mouth, has been extended to include the Indian and Malaysian markets.  OnePlus has been active on forum posts, promoting the smartphone and bragging its successes.  Recently, OnePlus mentioned that a lot of users in India had already bought the OnePlus One smartphone unofficially by purchasing through mail forwarders in the launch country.  Some also purchased the OnePlus One from Chinese retailers, but there’s said to be a slight difference between the global and Chinese variants of the phone.

Today, OnePlus utilised its forum to announce that existing owners of the OnePlus One smartphone in India will have access to a full warranty, provided the device was purchased from oneplus.net, which unfortunately leaves the buyers of the Chinese variant high and dry.  “The ardent support of our fans in India has played a big role in enabling us to prepare for India so quickly.  Your belief in our product, our mission and the brand has been integral to the growth of OnePlus,” OnePlus director Carl Pei says.

It clearly shows that OnePlus cares more about the user experience, which is believed to be the idea behind creating the device, than the enormous user base.  The company even provides assistance for iOS users new to the OnePlus One.  While there is still no timeline as to when the launch will be, however judging by the increased frequency of forum posts regarding users in India, we think it can’t be too far away.  If you haven’t heard yet, OnePlus will also be having country-specific invites for India as well. We’re looking forward to seeing how this incredible device is distributed to the world!