My, my…look what we have here. Yes, that’s right. An instant photo processor for those who want their photos fast. Prynt a hardware startup looking for funding on Kickstarter is close to starting their campaign. They stopped by TechCrunch to show off their new case. I heard about this earlier in the year, and now we have word that the product is almost ready. It will be in the form of a phone case, Prynt CEO Cl©ment Perrot says it will be available for 4.x size phones the beginning of 2015. Future development of a larger case for phablets such as a Note 4 will be ready soon. The prototype currently prints in under a minute, while the finished products will print in under 30 seconds.
A feature that might just help this camera to gain some marketing steam is an augmented reality feature that transforms your printed picture into a playable video on your screen. When taking a picture, the camera will record video before and after the picture is taken then send it to the cloud when you click the button. Then all you do is hold the printed picture up to your phones camera with the app open and it will show the picture with a play button overlay on it. The company may also provide a type of hidden security in the pictures such as a special pixel that would be necessary for playback preventing copies of the picture from displaying a video. They have many thoughts on how to improve functions with this, so we will have to wait and see what becomes of the campaign.
Okay okay….I can already feel the repercussions already. But here’s the thing, wait for it, instant photo processing is still cool. Well, maybe for the older generation like myself. I can still hear that motor sound when the photo was exiting the camera….and the smell of the picture. Watching the photo come into vision, then voila… the completed photo! But I think that everyone that ever gets a good feel for how fun and useful instant processing can be, especially with the hidden video features will love it. Here comes the 80’s all over again but with your phone! What are your thoughts on this, would you fund it? Drop your comments below.