Samsung Gear S Video Leaves Much to the Imagination

The new Samsung Gear S smartwatch is hitting the streets and if the initial 10,000 sold on launch day in South Korea is any indication of its selling power, Samsung may have a real winner on their hands.  I have a hard time with the price tag – certainly one of the most expensive smartwatches to date at $300 – $400 – but if we are expecting our smartwatch to make and receive phone calls on their own, I guess we had to expect those small electronics to cost us something more than a smartwatch that needs a smartphone to back it up.  Yes, the Samsung Gear S needs no smartphone – it will run independently and initiate and receive phone calls.  It has its own SIM card so it can be treated as an independent device, like adding a new smartphone or tablet to your plan.

Now one would think this would be exciting news to shout from the roof tops…and Samsung is pretty good about getting out the word through their clever advertisements that go viral and are watched and rewatched on YouTube.  But we have to tell you that their first advertisement (see below) leaves you wanting a whole lot more – it is just very business-like and unimaginative.  I only rewatched it because I was writing this article as there is simply no WOW factor involved, especially when you are trying to convince people to shell out 400 hard earned dollars for this piece of technological marvel.  It is just that when you think of all the tasks that you can perform on this watch or I should call it a wearable wrist device.

From the beginning of the video, Samsung makes it very clear, “This is not a watch,” and then goes on to tell you only three things about it – “It is a compass” as a young man navigates his way to the library to look through books.  Next, “It is an extra pair of hands” as he talks to someone over his Gear Circle headset. “It’s a mailbox” as he looks over a message while getting a haircut. Samsung tells us again that “This is not a watch” as he taps his hands on his legs while he is listen to music…”This is the all new Samsung Gear S.”  If that doesn’t make you want to go out and spend a few hundred bucks, I don’t know what will.  Please, take a look at the video and then hit us up on our Google+ Page and let us know what you think about the video and if you are planning to pick up one of these technical marvels…as always, we would love to hear from you.
