Everyone loves saving money right? And everyone loves Google right? Well, then this is your lucky day as it seems Google has teamed up with saving money. No this is not a new startup or website. Saving money is meant in the traditional sense. Google announced today on its Google Wallet G+ page that they have teamed up with a number of apps to offer their users a discount. Now, these are nothing special and they won’t save you a ton of money but if you were using the apps anyway then it might be worth giving this a try. So how does it work?
Well, its rather simple. When you buy something through the list of participating apps, all you have to do is hit the ‘Buy With Google’ button during checkout. Instead of going through the normal checkout procedure just go through with Google. This will take you to your Google Wallet account from where you can finish the checkout and take advantage of the discounts. Its not clear if Google plans to extend the list of compatible apps, as currently it is rather small. That said though there are a few on there you might be interested in. There are fourteen participating apps and they are quite varied. Fourteen is a little too many to name here, but to chuck a few at you the list includes Newegg, EAT24, B&H and Expedia. So, all companies you already know and quite likely use from time to time.
In terms of the savings, well these seem to vary from app to app. As such each company offers what they feel is a good saving and luckily all the apps list their savings on their Play Store pages. So to give you an example when you checkout With Google on the EAT24 app you get a straight up $5 discount. There is no mention of minimum spend or anything and instead this seems to be just a pure discount. To give you an example of the contrast, when checking out on the Newegg app you will save $15 off $50. So all in all they are not bad little deals. There are of course a couple of caveats. Most notably, this only seems to be available in the US and you obviously do need to have some cash in your Google Wallet. If you are interested then check out the full list of compatible apps and remember, click on any of the apps and the description will list the Google discount. Happy hunting.