Google has just announced via their blog that they are bringing back the famous Santa Tracker website starting today. Along with the website comes an updated Android app and Chrome extension that will all be usable throughout the entire month of December. The exciting new part about this is that Google has promised in their blog post that they will be offering a new project or game every single day until Christmas Eve.
Some of the activities Google is offering this year entail things like “jolly JavaScript courses”, so all you newer developers might want to keep an eye on this for some fun and learning. There will also be a bunch of different games offered which will obviously pertain to Christmas and Santa. So if you are the type of person who is full of holiday cheer and looking for some festive games to play, look no further. Other offerings include “candy cane cartography” and “holiday tradition tests” and of course whatever else Google’s “elf developers” decide to cook up.
The Santa Tracker app on the Google Play Store has already been updated to include the following changelog. “Santa and the elves’ are back for 2014 with new games, a redesigned tracker, updates for Chromecast and Android Wear integration”. Did you catch that? Android Wear Integration is now included. This year you will be able to track Santa from your Android Wear device, how convenient! As for the Chrome extension, there is no changelog because Chrome extensions just don’t have them. But there is one notable feature that has been added to the Santa Tracker extension, it will uninstall itself after Christmas when the extension will no longer serve a purpose.
At the moment there isn’t really much going on with the Santa Tracker that we haven’t seen before. However, Google did say that new projects and games will be added daily so it shouldn’t be long before we have a lot of new stuff to play with. Right now it says that Google owes us 23 updates. Will you be using this year’s Santa Tracker with the family? Let us know in the comments section below.