We all know that Santa comes from the North Pole, but perhaps you want to know exactly where he is at any given moment leading up to the festive holiday of Christmas. Although Google Now can’t tell you exactly what Santa is bringing you for Christmas this year, whether it be a nice new gift of something you’ve wanted all year or a lump of coal,(hope you were good)it can tell you where Santa is on his journey across the globe. Google Now does all sorts of fun little things like doing a barrel roll if you ask it to, and if you open up the Google app and either type in and search for Santa or ask “where’s Santa?” it should end up coming back with a link to the Santa tracker website.
The next time you go back into Google Now you should also see the Santa tracker Google Now card, and if you tap it will take you directly to the Santa tracker site where you’ll end up seeing an advent calendar of sorts. Each day on the calendar has a different interactive thing you can do, some of them games like in the image below where you can fly a little elf around in the sky, collecting things like gifts and candy to rack up points, while also trying to keep the time from running out. You can collect little clocks to extend your time, and as you continue it appears to move you through the different days of December so presumably you can beat the little mini game if you make it to Christmas, although I wasn’t able to make it past day 5 myself as I ended up getting hit with too many lumps of coal.
The tracker site also has a few things that you can learn about Santa if you tap on certain days. It’s not necessarily anything super useful in terms of the other types of tasks that Google Now is capable of, but it certainly is a fun little surprise. If you have kids, this could be the perfect thing this time of year to keep them busy for a few minutes while you try and finish that Christmas grocery list. If you have a moment to spare, go ahead and check it out.