Google Offers A Few Suggestions On The Play Store For The New Year And The New You

It’s December folks. That means Christmas has gone and January and 2015 is just around the corner. That also means it is time for a new year. As with every new year, every year, it is time to make all those promises and resolutions that you have very little intention of maintaining. The big one out there is usually going back to the gym and getting back in shape. Especially after all that Christmas goodness you probably stocked up on over the last week. Well, if the gym sounds like too much work, but you are looking for a resolution (of sorts) then it seems Google are offering some friendly advice in the way of some apps and accessories.

Yep, Google have started a new listing in the Play Store dubbed ‘New year, new you’. Interestingly, the page is designed to promote a number of the things on offer from the Play Store but that have a health (of sorts) spin on them. Now, the New year, new you page does not include anything too expensive and they are not trying to get you to pick up a Google Nexus 6 or anything like that. But if you have picked up a device over the festive period then they are suggesting a few apps and accessories you might want to consider for your new device and the new you for the new year. Clever huh. If you are wondering what is on offer then to throw you a few of the options the Google Nexus 9 Folio case is listed. As is the Nexus 6 naked case and the Android Wear app.

Of course, if you are intent on getting healthy in the new year, then the page does also highlight a few of the more popular health apps available including those from Endomondo and Runtastic. Alternatively if the new year means learning a new language (or trying to) then you might want to have a try at the Duolingo app. Either way and whatever you are planning for 2015 then click here to see what the list has on offer. While you are at it, you also might want to check out the must-have apps listing Google started listing this morning too.