Google Updates Play Store Guidelines Prohibiting The Use Of Testimonials Within App Description

Google is cleaning up their Play Store policies for developers in regards to their apps, as they now prohibit the use of user testimonials within the app’s description. They now state that user testimonials are more or less unrelated keywords and/or references and many times are either suspect or a means for developers to include keywords that are popular search terms. Using keywords inside of the app description to better the apps ranking or standings is against the Play Store policy guidelines and has been for a while, so it makes sense for Google to make it a violation to include user reviews within the description that contain keywords.

Google states clearly that the app description section of any app should be saved for explaining key points about the app that make it different and unique, or pointing out cool and useful features that the app provides to users. Cutting the use of testimonials out of the app description section as well as the opportunity for developers to use keywords that are irrelevant to the app in every way, should end up bettering the search results for users who are trying to find what they’re looking for without having to wade through unrelated applications.

While the use of testimonials may be an honest attempt by developers to highlight the satisfaction of legitimate users, the only way for Google to truly keep a lid on the situation is to cut the use of them out entirely. Google also makes a good point, that the comments and reviews section below the app’s description is what testimonials are strictly for. If people want to read reviews, they’ll click on that section and read them but they shouldn’t be forced to sift through a handful of user testimonials instead of reading about why they would want to use the app and what it can do for them. What do you think about Google’s new changes to the Play Store policy guidelines? Do you think the user testimonials should be allowed to stay or do you agree with Google’s decision to prohibit them from the app description section?