OnePlus Might Release A Fitness Tracker Tomorrow While A New Smartphone Is Also A Possibility

OnePlus and Cyanogen are not exactly best friends lately. The two companies have been sharing not so friendly comments via social networks for quite some time now. It is quite obvious now that OnePlus Two (or whatever they decide to call it) won’t come with CyanogenMod pre-installed and Cyanogen already signed a partnership agreement with Indian smartphone manufacturer Micromax. Talking about Micromax, their YU company is expected to release a first Cyanogen-powered smartphone on December 18th. Rumors say that it will run Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 615 and sport 2GB of RAM while a 5.5-inch 720p display and 13-megapixel camera have also been mentioned.

That being said, OnePlus has released a teaser image yesterday, teasing some sort of an announcement for December 17th, “coincidentally” one day before Micromax and OnePlus’ YU phone announcement. OnePlus didn’t exactly give us a lot of hints yesterday, we had to guess what will the company announce, but today OnePlus gave us some additional hints. If you take a look below this article you’ll notice a new teaser image OnePlus released, this time around we get a heartbeat drawing, which might point towards a release of a fitness tracker device of sorts. The teaser itself points in that direction and some report emerged stating the same, we might see some sort of wearable released by OnePlus tomorrow.

In addition to this teaser, some rumors are stating that the company will release a Snapdragon 805-powered device. I really don’t believe there’s any truth to this, the only device OnePlus might release sporting this chip is the OnePlus Two and the company’s co-founder said a while ago that they won’t do that before Q2 or Q3 2015. You might think otherwise, who knows, perhaps OnePlus pushed their plans a bit considering the recent turn of events and they actually plan to release a new handset tomorrow. We’ll know everything soon enough, until then, let us know what you think, do you believe OnePlus will release a new smartphone tomorrow, or is the fitness tracker the only device we’ll see launched? I originally thought they’ll announce which OS will power the OnePlus Two and I still believe that might happen.