PuzzlePhone, Google "Ara" Competitior From Finland


In 2013, Google launched the project »Ara«. The main Idea behind the project are replaceable and recyclable phone parts and not the entire phone. The user can, for example, only replace the SoC and leave the rest of the hardware alone.  This will be more ecological and user-friendly. We won’t throw our phones away after two years of usage, but we will simpl­y buy new parts and only the ones we really need. ­Now Google Ara project got the competitor. It is called the PuzzlePhone. The idea behind the device is really simple and user-friendly. As the name says, the phone consists of 3 parts which fit together. The “spine”, the “heart” and the “brain”. The “spine” contains the screen, all the buttons, speaker and the microphone. “Heart” contains the battery and secondary electronic. The third part is the “brain” of the smartohone. All the thinking and processes happen in the brain. In there is the SoC, camera…

Each part can be customized by the end user. That means you are in complete control of your smartphone. Pick your SoC, how much RAM or ROM do you need, screen resolution, battery capacity, color… the options are virtually endless. In the end, the users are only going to pay for what they really need and not what big smartphone companies are forcing on you to buy. PuzzlePhone doesn’t just stop at the hardware. It will also offer a complete control over the OS. The company will use Android OS at first. The will also try to support Firefox OS, Sailfish, Windows Phone and more in the future.

The company headquarters is in Espoo, Finland which was also the home of Nokia. They have been working on this project since 2013. Currently they managed to produce the working prototype of the device. The first smartphones are planned to hit the market in the second half of 2015 according to their team. It is going to be available in the mid-range price section so everybody will be able to purchase one. The plans of the company are really ambitious and if they really manage to place the phone on the market their future is quite secure. They will definitely capture the attention of smartphone enthusiasts right away.